On Jun 5, 2008, at 1:36 PM, Bill Page wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 4:16 AM, Robert Bradshaw wrote:
>> On Jun 4, 2008, at 7:35 PM, Bill Page wrote:
>> ...
>> Types are all about the implementations of things, they
>> synonymous with the "classes" of Object Oriented programming,
>> and are insufficient (and the wrong vehicle) to carry deeper
>> mathematical structure.
> That is precisely the claim that I am trying to dispute. Axiom for
> example specifically takes the point of view that mathematical
> structure should be implemented as types in a sufficiently rich
> programming language, i.e. one where types are first order objects. I
> think that Axiom (and later the programming language Aldor that was
> originally implemented as the "next generation" library compiler for
> Axiom) has demonstrated that this view is viable.

Perhaps Sage is demonstrating that not taking this view is viable  
too :-).

>> For example, an element of Z/5Z and an element of Z/7Z have
>> the same type (i.e. they're instances of the same class, with
>> the same methods, internal representation, etc), but not the same
>> parent (which is data).
> I think Gonsalo Tornaria in this thread has demonstrated that this
> need not be the case.

By making elements of Z/5Z and Z/7Z be instances of different  
(dynamically generated) classes. This has drawbacks too, also  
mentioned in this thread. Personally, I find it conceptually easier  
to think of Z/5Z and Z/7Z as distinct instances of the same class.

>> ...
>>> "SymbolicRing" is another thing that worries me a little. Exactly  
>>> what
>>> (mathematically) is a symbolic ring? E.g. Why is it a ring and not a
>>> field? Operations like 'sin(sin(sin(x))).parent()' doesn't look much
>>> like a ring to me. Probably most other computer algebra systems
>>> would just call this an "expression tree" or AST or something like
>>> that.
>> Most symbolic systems (Magma and Axiom excluded) have very
>> little notion of algebras, rings, modules, etc.--virtually  
>> everything is
>> an expression or list of expressions. SymbolicRing is a way to fit
>> these abstract "expression trees" into a larger framework of Sage.
>> It not only keeps engineers and calculus students happy, it keeps
>> me happy when just want to sit down and "solve for x" or compute
>> a symbolic integral. It's also a statement that rigor should not get
>> in the way of usability (an important component of being a viable
>> alternative to the M's).
> It seems to me that symbolic computation need not lack rigor. And in a
> computer algebra system rigor should not compromise usability. These
> are design challenges that we face. This is one of the things that
> strongly-typed systems like Axiom and Magma (and now Sage) offer over
> these other systems.

Yes, I'm not trying to throw away rigor. I'm just saying it's a place  
where I can write "a+b" without having to think about what the "+"  
really means, it's just formal. Perhaps it could equally be called  
"SetOfUnevaluatedExpressions" but that's a bit verbose.

>> ...
>>> To the best of my knowledge, the formal concept of "representation"
>>> in a computer algebra systems is unique to Axiom. Each domain
>>> has a specified 'Rep'consisting of some domain expression. E.g.
>>>    Rep == Integer
>>> or
>>>    Rep == Union(Record(car:%, cdr:%), "nil")
>>> % stands for "this domain", so this definition amounts to some
>>> recursive structure. Of course recursively defined classes are also
>>> possible in Python but they require much more discipline on the
>>> part of the programmer.
>>> Now there are two operators 'rep' and 'per' that provide coercion to
>>> and from Rep. So we might say for example that some operation *
>>> in this domain is implemented by * from Rep:
>>>   x * y == per( rep(x) * rep(y) )
>>> The trouble is: I don't see anything here that could be called a
>>> "parent". Or perhaps, they are all "parents" except for those
>>> initial domains for which we never explicitly specify a Rep.
>> Nope, nothing I see here could reasonably be called a Parent.
>> Is there an object that formally represents "the ring of integers"
>> that one could pass to a function?
> Sure. For example in OpenAxiom one can write:
> (1) -> Integer has Ring
>    (1)  true
>                                                 Type: Boolean
> (2) -> Pick(x,A,B)==if x=0 then A else B
>                                                 Type: Void
> (3) -> i:=1
>    (3)  1
>                                                 Type: PositiveInteger
> (4) -> n:Pick(i,Integer,Float):=1
>    Compiling function Pick with type (PositiveInteger,Domain,Domain)
>        -> Domain
>    (4)  1.0
>                                                  Type: Float
> And of course even easier in Sage :-)
> sage: category(IntegerRing())
> Category of rings
> sage: def Pick(x,A,B):
>     if x==0:
>         return A
>     else:
>         return B
> ....:
> sage: i=1
> sage: n=Pick(i,IntegerRing(),RealField())(1)
> sage: n; parent(n)
> 1.00000000000000
> Real Field with 53 bits of precision

Your Integer object also stands for the ring of Integers. So can you  
do stuff like

sage: ZZ.is_commutative()
sage: ZZ.krull_dimension()
sage: ZZ.is_finite()

>> ...
>>>> One of the changes in this latest coercion push is to allow
>>>> Parents to belong to several categories.
>>> That sounds good. So does this mean that the 'category' method
>>> now returns a list?
>> There are two methods, category (returning the first cat in the
>> list) and categories (returning the whole list). The set of  
>> categories
>> is an ordered list, and things are attempted in the first category
>> (and its supercategories) before moving on to the next. Most
>> objects, of course, will belong to one category (not including its
>> super categories).
> Here is something to consider: Instead of having two methods, one that
> return a list, you could implement some operations on categories that
> yield new categories. One such operation (because the categories form
> a lattice) might be 'Join'. Then if a parent belongs to more than one
> category you could just return their Join. One of the methods provided
> with category could be one that lists it's component categories, or
> more generally the expression (if any) that created it.

That is a very good idea, I think we should do this.

- Robert

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