Referring to, I have to
do a little cleaning up before submitting it for review, but have some
code for allowing rescaling of matrices by "logical" scalars not in
the base ring.  However, in order to do this, I need to return a copy,
not modify the original, and robertwb raises the point that perhaps
then rescale_row etc. should *always* return a copy, for

I don't feel at all qualified to make this decision, and wanted some
feedback.  This seems like it could break other code which assumes
that a new reference doesn't have to be created, but of course this is
a place where inconsistency could be very confusing too.  Another
option is to scrap the idea altogether, but then we continue to have
the problem that one couldn't scale a row by an element of an
extension of the field of fractions of the base ring (e.g., one
couldn't scale a row of a matrix over QQ by I or \sqrt{2}).

Thanks for any feedback.

- kcrisman
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