On Wednesday 21 May 2008, Bill Hart wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> I downloaded the clean tarball and added an extra test, but I get:
>    mul: m: 4096, l: 3528, n: 4096, k:  0, cutoff: 1024
> FAIL: Strassen != M4RM
> FAIL: Strassen != Naive
> :-(

Same here, I'll look into it right away. "Only" Strassen fails so it shouldn't 
be too hard to figure out.

> Also I later replaced the following lines of strassen.c:
>   a -= a%RADIX;
>   b -= b%RADIX;
>   c -= c%RADIX;
> with
>   unsigned long mult = 1;
>   unsigned long width = a;
>   while (width > 2*cutoff)
>   {
>     width/=2;
>     mult*=2;
>   }
>   a -= a%(RADIX*mult);
>   b -= b%(RADIX*mult);
>   c -= c%(RADIX*mult);
> and this sped up the 32000x32000 multiplication by a further 5% or so.
> The other times didn't change (the 10000x10000 may have been slightly
> quicker).
> :-)

Good, I'll add it and compare times on the C2D :-)


name: Martin Albrecht
_pgp: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x8EF0DC99
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