I made some changes to the original code so it would use the cache a
bit better. The test code seems to pass, so I don't think I've screwed
anything up.

The time for 16384x16384 on my machine is now 20s, so a factor of
2.15x faster. The time for 2000x2000 also seems to be the same time as
Magma now. Hopefully I didn't just mistime things before, and this is
a real improvement.

I am still trying things out.


On 16 May, 01:41, Bill Hart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think it might just be possible to get down to the speed of Magma
> with a highly optimised classical multiplication routine. At 3600X3600
> one clearly has to do 3600x3600 scalar products of a row by a column.
> We'll assume one of the matrices has been transposed to facilitate
> this.
> If we use SSE2 then we can operate 128 bits at a time. There are 16
> SSE registers.
> The basic idea would be to load 4 SSE registers from different rows of
> matrix A and 2 from different columns of matrix B. We compute the
> scalar products of all 8 combinations of rowsxcolumns simultaneously.
> For this we need 2 temporary registers and 8 registers to hold the
> running totals. So all in all we need 4+2+2+8 = 16 registers. We only
> need to do an AND and an XOR to do the multiplication and addition
> required.
> Caching becomes irrelevant if we choose a large selection of rows from
> A and a large selection of columns from B and do all the possible
> scalar products or rows by columns before moving to the next part.
> Assuming the Opteron can do the memory loads at the same time as doing
> arithmetic not depending on those loads, careful instruction
> scheduling should get everything down to the cost of an SSE AND and an
> SSE OR per 128x128 bit pair in the classical algorithm. That puts the
> entire algorithm at pretty close to what Magma is doing timewise.
> Another option is to not use SSE and just use the 64 bit integer
> registers. The disadvantage is one has to load things 64 bits at a
> time. But the advantage is the Opteron can do three arithmetic
> operations per cycle if properly scheduled. That gets 50% more work
> done than the SSE registers, which can only do 1 x 128 bit operation
> per cycle.
> Of course I'm making the assumption here that the Opteron can indeed
> do loads at the same time as arithmetic.
> if not, then there is no way Magma can be using classical
> multiplication out to 3600x3600 since there are simply too many
> operations to perform in the number of cycles available.
> Bill.
> On 16 May, 00:03, Martin Albrecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > On Thursday 15 May 2008, Bill Hart wrote:
> > > Here is the graph of Magma times:
> > >http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/wbhart/flint-trunk/graphing/gf2.png
> > > The crossover is not clear. The change from a smooth curve to a
> > > squiggly line is about 3600. So presumably that is it, but the graph
> > > also seems to change character at about 6200 or 7000 as well. One of
> > > these changes may be cache related.
> > > At 3600, the total data for all three matrices is almost 5mb and the
> > > cache on my machine is 1024kb. But if Magma is using classical
> > > multiplication, then this is pretty much irrelevant anyway, since you
> > > can keep the working data within the cache for quite a while during
> > > the algorithm.
> > On the other hand: a squiggly line is what one one would expect for
> > Strassen-Winograd due to the extra rows/columns that have to be taken care
> > of. In any case: 3600 seems rather late for 1MB L2 cache. I think Allan 
> > Steel
> > once gave a talk about his implementation and stated that they don't use
> > classical block multiplication (I saw some slides with that remark).
> > Martin
> > --
> > name: Martin Albrecht
> > _pgp:http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x8EF0DC99
> > _www:http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~malb
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