Bjake Hammersholt Roune wrote:
>> [...] people are confused that when
>> they create a matrix with matrix(3, range(9)), for example, that the
>> echelon_form is not the rref output that they get from most any other
>> program they have ever used [...]
>> What do people think about making the default ring for matrices QQ?
> I have no objections to making QQ the defailt ring for matrices.
> However, I don't think this resolves the problem entirely.
> A part of the confusion stems from echelon_form doing entirely
> different things based on the type of argument it gets. I would prefer
> echelon_form to always use fractions, and have some other function
> avoid the fractions. Another solution I could get behind is for
> echelon_form to have a parameter for whether to use fractions, and
> have the default be to use them.

I think the fundamental problem among the people I have talked with was 
that they never thought of a "matrix over ZZ".  Instead they always 
really thought of a "matrix over RR" with entries in ZZ.  So I think the 
proposal addresses the problem well.  Those people that don't want to 
worry about matrices over non-fields don't have to deal with them, while 
those people that do work with matrices over non-fields can get them easily.



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