kcrisman wrote:
> On May 15, 10:55 am, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 7:48 AM, Jason Grout
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Jason Grout wrote:
>>>> Based on some conversations with linear algebra people and classroom
>>>> demonstrations in a linear algebra class, people are confused that when
>>>> they create a matrix with matrix(3, range(9)), for example, that the
>>>> echelon_form is not the rref output that they get from most any other
>>>> program they have ever used, and certainly not what is taught in an
>>>> undergrad linear algebra class.  There is additional confusion if the
>>>> entries specified have a fraction in them; then the matrix defaults to
>>>> being over QQ, and the echelon_form functino gives the expected naive
>>>> rref!  The problem, of course, lies in the matrix defaulting to having
>>>> base_ring == ZZ (i.e., non-field).
>>>> What do people think about making the default ring for matrices QQ?
>>>> Additionally, if the ring R is determined from the elements provided,
>>>> then the matrix would be over R.fraction_field().  Of course, the
>>>> documentation for matrix() would clearly indicate what is happening if
>>>> the ring is not specified.
>>> More concisely, this proposal could be worded:
>>> What do people think of making matrix() return a matrix over a field by
>>> default, unless a ring is explicitly specified.  The default field would
>>> either be the fraction field of the ring containing the specified
>>> elements, or would be QQ if no elements are specified.  This logic would
>>> *only* be applied if a ring is not specified.  The documentation of
>>> matrix() would also be changed accordingly.
>> +1
>> I suggested this idea.  I would never do this is Sage were "just for me",
>> but Sage isn't.  Please keep that in mind when reading the above proposal...
>>  -- William
> I was just discussing this very issue with my chair yesterday.  He had
> created some wrappers to make using the elementary operations a little
> easier for linear algebra students (though I think ended up sticking
> with Octave for this semester for unrelated reasons), and then noticed
> this with scaling rows under his first implementation.
> What happens if you start with something like matrix(3, range(9)), but
> then want to turn it into a complex matrix and scale a row by (say) i/
> 2?  Under the current scaling code, this happens:
> sage: N.rescale_col(2,i/2)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>             Traceback (most recent call
> last)
> <snip>
> <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: unable to convert I/2 to a rational
> I certainly have no problem with matrices starting off as rational
> ones - a great idea!  But it doesn't directly affect this sort of
> issue - one could still start with a matrix over ZZ and then want to
> multiply it later on by 1/2 without using change_ring().
> What I am wondering is whether throwing an exception of TypeError
> under the current code should be replaced by a try statement first
> attempting N.changering(??) . The problem is I have no idea what to
> use for ??, because unfortunately i/2 lives in Symbolic Ring, not in
> CC, so I can't just put in ??=parent(i/2).  It would sort of be beside
> of the point of making Sage easier to use in the linear algebra
> classroom if we had to explicitly type CC(i/2) everytime we wanted to
> use i/2.
> In any case, what "should" happen in the scaling context when scaling
> by something mathematically legitimate, but not in the ring the matrix
> is defined over in Sage?

I'm not sure I understand the problem.  Here is an example session in 
Sage 3.0.1.  Can you change this to illustrate what you mean?

sage: m=matrix(3,3,range(9))
sage: n = m*(i/2)
sage: n.parent()
Full MatrixSpace of 3 by 3 dense matrices over Symbolic Ring
sage: n

[    0   I/2     I]
[3*I/2   2*I 5*I/2]
[  3*I 7*I/2   4*I]
sage: m2 = m/i
sage: m2.parent()
Full MatrixSpace of 3 by 3 dense matrices over Symbolic Ring
sage: m2

[   0 -1*I -2*I]
[-3*I -4*I -5*I]
[-6*I -7*I -8*I]



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