On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 8:29 PM, John Voight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hello!
>  I've run some Sage labs using the notebook here at UVM and two things
>  have come up.
>  (1) At the end of class, I asked my students to print out their work
>  and turn it in.  I stopped this almost immediately, since the
>  printouts are hugely wasteful: blank pages, things overrun the
>  margins, etc.  This is in Firefox, which is certainly not working very
>  hard in this regard.  Perhaps there could be a "printer-friendly"
>  version of a notebook like so many other webpages?

I put some effort into improving the printing friendliness in sage-3.0.
Especially the text in input cells should never overrun margins, etc.
The output could.  Click on the print button for the printer friendly version
of a page.

>  (2) One student did this, as did I: accidentally clicked on a bookmark
>  while working, then clicked back to the page to see work was lost.

It wasn't lost.  They should have pressed refresh.  This would have
updated the page to the current state.  The server always has
the current state even without autosave.  Saving only makes a snapshot
that's in the browsable revision log.

There are two ideas about how to fix the browse away and press back button
  (1) make it so any time any browser window is looking at a worksheet, if it
gets out of sync with the server's view of that worksheet a refresh is forced.
This is useful also if multiple browsers are viewing the same page.
  (2) somehow make it hard to navigate away from a worksheet (e.g., via
an alert).

I've tried (2) but didn't like it.  Implementing (1) is nontrivial and
opens a can
of worms, but I would still like it to happen.

>  How do you change the autosave interval to be something shorter?  (I
>  found an _user_autosave_interval function for the class Worksheet...)

There is no way to do that beyond hacking on source code.


> >

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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