On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 3:48 PM, mhampton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  I'm not really qualified to comment in detail, but I thought I would
>  mention that I am interested in computing face lattices of polytopes
>  as part of my polytope module.  Perhaps you could comment on whether
>  there is (or could be) anything in your code that might help me out
>  with that.

At the very least you can inherit from the Lattice and LatticeElement
classes. And use the plotting functionality.

Tell me what kind of things you want to be able to do, and if it is
missing, then I can add it. (For example, what kind of data you want
to hand me.)

I posted my code so that I find out how people intend to use it, so it
can be improved.

Take care,


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