On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 12:23 PM, Craig Citro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Actually, Conway polynomials don't cut it in general, in the sense
>  that one can't actually generate them for sufficiently large finite
>  fields. Even Magma doesn't know them in the sizes that Willem is
>  talking about:
>  > ConwayPolynomial(3,100);
>                    ^
>  Runtime error in 'ConwayPolynomial': A conway polynomial for GF(3^100) is not
>  known
>  David Roe and I (and probably some other people) talked about this way
>  back at SD3, and ultimately decided that we had no idea what Magma was
>  doing. ;) David (and/or others) may have discovered more by now. Magma
>  definitely has a way on deciding on a default choice, in the sense
>  that if you create the finite fields in the same order, the same
>  polynomial is generated between different Magma runs. It's interesting
>  that it changes when you change the order you created the fields with
>  -- I don't recall us discovering this way back when. I also find this
>  somewhat interesting -- though it's probably just the fact that it's
>  checking something for consistency:
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]  $ magma
>  Magma V2.13-5     Mon Apr 14 2008 09:21:46 on sage     [Seed = 391961513]
>  Type ? for help.  Type <Ctrl>-D to quit.
>  > time F := FiniteField(3^100);
>  Time: 0.050
>  > time K := FiniteField(3^200);
>  Time: 3.470
>  >
>  Total time: 4.190 seconds, Total memory usage: 8.39MB
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]  $ magma
>  Magma V2.13-5     Mon Apr 14 2008 09:22:08 on sage     [Seed = 508940938]
>  Type ? for help.  Type <Ctrl>-D to quit.
>  > time K := FiniteField(3^200);
>  Time: 0.420
>  > time F := FiniteField(3^100);
>  Time: 0.050
>  >
>  That paper is particularly frustrating -- if you're trying to figure
>  out exactly this, you end up getting referred around the paper a few
>  times, only to discover a paragraph where they say "and in the case
>  that the Conway polynomial can't be found, we make another default
>  choice." Wow, thanks. :)
>  -cc
>  >

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