> I'm interested in his "spreadsheet from a browser" project, since we plan
> to do something similar with Sage at some point, probably.  Does he
> intend to embed giac like functionality as formulas in the cells?  Does
> "from a browser" mean an "AJAX application"?

giac has already cell evaluation functionnality, something you can
test from inside xcas (Edit->Add spreadsheet). It must reevaluate the
whole table. I'm on vacation this week, I don't have the URL where you
can test it, if my recollection is correct it is indeed an ajax
 >I think some
> people in CA research will come around eventually, though if they
> don't it won't stop us.

I agree.

> You could make this vastly easier for us if you
>    (1) installed Sage on a computer from source
>    (2) installed giac into that Sage install by
>          typing
>             ./sage -sh   # to set some environ variables and paths
>          then in your giac source directory
>             ./configure --prefix="$SAGE_LOCAL"
>             make
>             make install
>         and *fix* all the problems that come up.
>         Then tell us what steps are needed to build giac into
>          your Sage install.   With that info, we could easily make
>          a giac spkg.

I have done the experience on my local sage install (2.8.15), I had
indeed to fix the file Xcas1.cc where a #ifdef HAVE_LIBFLTK #endif was
missing. I have updated the source tarball on my ftp site.
I can not garantee that it will work everywhere since giac configure
does check for libraries outside the sage local tree, hence your
config.h might differ from mine, but that should be easy to fix (I
mean perhaps add a couple of #fidef).
You might have an error doing make install if latex2html is not
installed. If you don't want to install latex2html, an easy fix is to
comment the recursion in Makefile.am from the doc subdirectory, the
first two lines should look like
then run
in the giac directory and then
  ./configure --prefix="$SAGE_LOCAL" --disable-gui
Another way to fix this is to run make install from the src
subdirectory only.
Or maybe add a fake latex2html command somewhere in your path. I don't
know what the sage build process can handle best. Any suggestion?

> After reading your answers, here is what I hope will happen:
>   (1) you will spend some time building Sage from source and
> figure out how to install giac "into" the Sage build directory.  This
> is by far easier for you than for us, probably, since you know the
> giac build system and code base more than anybody.

I hope it should  work for you now.

>   (4) I hope you will continue watching sage-devel and post whenever
> you have any thoughts or experiences about things we're discussing.
> Given your goals and background developing giac, it is inevitable
> that you'll have a lot to offer in regard to experience, etc.   Even if
> there turns out to be no real code sharing between the giac and
> Sage projects, there are certainly a lot of common problems and
> solutions ("patterns") which can be shared.     At the Enthought/Sage Days
> in Austin Texas in February, there were a surprisingly large number
> of discussions about common problems the Enthought/Scipy project
> faces and the Sage project faces, where no code would or could be
> shared, but where we benefited a lot from discussing our solutions
> together.
>   (5) I hope you'll come to a Sage Days workshop sometime.  You
> can see a list of upcoming workshops here:
>    http://wiki.sagemath.org/
> Notice that one is in Nancy, France in October.   Coming to a Sage Days
> is by far the best way to find out who "the Sage developers" really are,
> which is just a bunch of people all over who just want to create awesome
> free open source mathematical software.

Excellent, I'll probably be able to come to Nancy at least one day
next October.

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