On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 9:37 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  sage: Q.<x,y> = QQ['x,y']
>  sage: R.<X,Y> = Q.quo(Q.ideal(x^2 + y^2 -1))
>  sage: X/2
>  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  <type 'exceptions.NotImplementedError'>   Traceback (most recent call last)
>  /home/boothby/.sage/<ipython console> in <module>()
>  /home/boothby/.sage/element.pyx in 
> sage.structure.element.RingElement.__div__ (sage/structure/element.c:9080)()
>  /home/boothby/.sage/coerce.pyx in 
> sage.structure.coerce.CoercionModel_cache_maps.bin_op_c 
> (sage/structure/coerce.c:5055)()
>  /home/boothby/.sage/element.pyx in 
> sage.structure.element.RingElement.__div__ (sage/structure/element.c:9063)()
>  /home/boothby/.sage/coerce.pxi in sage.structure.element._div_c 
> (sage/structure/element.c:16174)()
> /home/boothby/sage/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/sage/rings/quotient_ring_element.py
>  in _div_(self, right)
>      114         if not right.is_unit():
>      115             raise ZeroDivisionError
>  --> 116         raise NotImplementedError
>      117
>      118     def __int__(self):
>  <type 'exceptions.NotImplementedError'>:
>  I'd understand if I were trying to divide by a non-unit, or even a unit 
> polynomial.  But I'm trying to divide by a unit in the base ring -- shouldn't 
> that work?  Is this a problem in the coercion model, or is it validly not 
> implemented?

It's simply not implemented.  Implement it and post a patch.... :-)

The source code for the function _div_ that is called is

sage: X._div_??
    def _div_(self, right):
        if not right.is_unit():
            raise ZeroDivisionError
        raise NotImplementedError

which does *not* presently try to invert right if it does happen to be a unit
in the base ring.  Why?  Because it's not implemented yet.
Your best bet is to either implement better functionality
for computing in quotient rings or to type

sage: X * (1/2)

By the way, looking at the file quotient_ring_element.py, I would
bring the doctest coverage to 100% before adding or subtracting
any code from that file.  Right now coverage is a terrible 24%.

 -- william

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