On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 12:22 PM, Carl Witty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  On Apr 13, 12:08 pm, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Unfortunately, half of the behavior above isn't defined by "a
>  > mathematical software" but by the Python general purpose programming
>  > language.  Sage has to be
>  > changed to be consistent with Python, since the other option -- changing
>  > Python -- is not an option.
>  Well, but changing the preparser could be an option.  I think it would
>  be reasonable to fix the preparser so that integer literals starting
>  with 0 became a syntax error.  (Changing the preparser so that 010
>  means 10 is probably not a good idea, since that would add another
>  silent incompatibility between the command line and .py files; but
>  "noisy" incompatibilities aren't as bad.)

You're right, doing something with the preparser is possible.
But in this case
  int('070') versus Integer('070')
any preparser-based solution is really scary.

And I hate adding anything to the preparser...  It already is too

 -- William

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