Dear Jason,

On Apr 7, 7:34 pm, Jason Grout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for the explanation.  The issue came up when I wanted to just do
> M=self.transpose() or M=self, depending on if the user wanted right or
> left action computations (e.g., right vs. left kernels).  However, then
> calls to M._nrows (which used to be calls to self._nrows) don't work.

What about cdefining M? If self is of type "FooType", then the
following should work
 cdef FooType M
 M=self   # or M=self.transpose() depending on what the user wants
and if FooType has a cython attribute _nrows then M._nrows should

However i am not sure if this is possible in your situation, because
as much as i understand there are many matrix types. So, i don't know
what "FooType" should be here.


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