On Thu, Mar 6, 2025 at 3:21 AM Vincent Delecroix
<20100.delecr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have code relying on the GAP package Images
> (https://gap-packages.github.io/images/doc/chap0_mj.html). Short
> version of the question : is there a (dirty short term or clean long
> term) solution for having a working Images gap package in a conda
> install of SageMath?

Images is just GAP code, so installing it just needs putting the
source in an appropriate directory.
E.g. GAP's PackageManager (which is itself a GAP package) should be
able to install it for you without
Or you can put it manually in ~/.gap/pkg/
- or in <whatever prefix>/pkg/ - where you other GAP packages are.
> It does work when I use my (arch) system sage after installing
> gap-packages with pacman and also from source (since the SageMath
> gap_packages include Images). However
> - Images is not listed in the documentation
> https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/spkg/gap_packages.html
> which is confusing. Why don't we have the full list in
> src/buipkd/gap_packages/SPKG.rst?

probably an oversight - we keep adding packages to gap_packages in an
ad hoc manner.

> - there does not seem to be a way to install the gap packages in
> conda, is there?

In principle, you can install (for your user) any GAP package in ~/.gap/pkg/
(if it needs building, you'd need to figure out where the appropriate
GAP configs file (called sysinfo.gap) lives,
and pass this location to the package's configure)


> Best
> Vincent
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