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On Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 8:06:09 AM UTC-7 wrote:

> Hi,
> This is a long shot as it may be mathematically quite technical, but I 
> though I'd give it a try here.
> Sage has a library for Weyl groups associated to root systems:
> A Weyl group is associated to a root system of type Xn where X is of type 
> A, B, C, D, E, F, G and n is a natural number, which is restricted 
> depending on the type. I won't explain more, as if you haven't seen this 
> before, an email is unlikely to be the best way to find it. 
> The point here is the root system can be embedded in a lattice within RR^n 
> but also sometimes it is convenient to embed it in higher dimensions (e.g. 
> to avoid non-rational lattices). However, for my own purposes I really want 
> it embedded in RR^n, as I want the elements of the Weyl group (which is 
> generated by reflections through the hyperplanes orthogonal to at least one 
> of the roots) to be elements of GL(n, QQ[sqrt(d)]) for some integer d. If 
> the root system is embedded in a higher RR^m, so is the Weyl group. When 
> the root system is special (E6, E7, E8, F_4, G_2) this is possible and I am 
> sure it has its merits, but for good reasons, I actually need them embedded 
> in RR^n.
> For instance, it seems that the implementation in Sage has the root system 
> G2 embedded in RR^3 (so the matrices of WeylGroup are 3x3 matrices instead 
> of 2x2) and E6 and E7 are embedded in RR^8 and not RR^6 and RR^7. An easy 
> way to see this is to run 
> G= WeylGroup(['G',2])
> for g in G:
>     print(g)
> and see how you get a list of 3x3 matrices and not 2x2.
> (although you probably want to stop it before it finishes as there are too 
> many of them).
> My question is: is there any way, for these 3 root systems (G2, E6 and E7) 
> in Sage to have them embedded in the lowest possible lattice so that I get 
> the matrices of the Weyl group represented as matrices of size 2, 6 and 7, 
> respectively? For instance for G2, I know, mathematically, I could find a 
> projection from the lattice in RR^3 to RR^2 and use this projection to 
> project the matrices. I don't want to reinvent the wheel, though, so if 
> this is already existing in Sage that would be great.
> To be clear, I don't care about the other groups other than G2, E6, E7, 
> since for them I have already arranged it differently.
> Apologies if some of the above is not precise enough, I have a very 
> passing knowledge in representation theory.
> Many thanks in advance.
> Jesús

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