On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 2:53 PM, David Kohel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi,
>  On the subject of notebook features:
>  One feature that would be really nice is to have distinct text cells,
>  in html or
>  even better latex mode.  A text cell could created by a hot key (say
>  <cntrl-t>)
>  in edit mode which displays the source latex or html, then toggled out
>  of edit
>  mode to display the formatted text.  This could be nicer for
>  preparing
>  worksheets for teaching which combine latex formatted exercises with
>  sage
>  cells for code, rather than using
>  # Exercise 1.  Let p = 75361.  Evaluate x^(p-1) mod p for x = 2, 5, 7,
>  and 11.
>  # What do you observe?  Is p a prime?
>  Create text cell in edit mode:
>  %latex
>  {\bf Exercise 1.}  Let $p = 75361$. Evaluate $x^{p-1} \bmod p$ for $x
>  = 2, 3,
>  5, 7$ and $11$ with the commands
>  \begin{verbatim}
>  p = 75361
>  for x in (2,3,5,7,11):
>     powermod(x,p-1,p)
>  \end{verbatim}
>  What do you observe?  Is $p$ a prime?
>  <toggle edit mode>
>  This would look much more professional than just using comments as in
>  the first
>  example.
>  Even better, I could imagine exporting the worksheet as a latex file
>  and conversely
>  reading a marked up latex file as a workshop.
>  Is this feasible?

Have you ever tried clicking the blue edit button in the upper
right side of the screen?  It gives you a plain text representation
of the worksheet.  You can enter arbitrary HTML between the
cells (the {{{ }}}), and it appears looking more professional
when you click the "Save and Use" button.   In fact, internally
all the text between subsequent {{{ }}} compute cells *is*
a TextCell.  There is also one bonus -- if you put math in $'s or
$$'s, it will get typeset as mathematics.

 -- William

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