
Many thanks for listing me on your developer map.

On sagemath.org I go to Download source [1] then I choose mirror [2]

On the mirror I see:

sage-10.5.tar.gz    torrent    1535.20 MB    2024-12-04 00:28
MD5: 83dab794f87e989a30e248f3b39c40db

There are several potential issues with this:

1. If the mirror is compromised or MITM'ed, it could provide whatever checksum.
There is unencrypted "http://"; mirror University of Washington,
Seattle, WA, USA [3]
Is this a real concern?
2. The MD5 hash function is deprecated since years and considered broken.

One possible approach is to sign with gpg the tarballs or only the hashes.

[1] https://www.sagemath.org/download-source.html
[2] https://sage.mirror.garr.it/mirrors/sage/src/index.html
[3] http://files.sagemath.org/src/index.html

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