On Fri, Jan 31, 2025 at 5:09 PM Gareth Ma <grhk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Not sure how to title the subject because I am not familiar with Sage's build
> system at all, but hope the body explains what it means.
> ===========
> Usually, I build Sage with `./bootstrap && ./configure && make build`, but I
> believe the same problem below happens for conda install as well (the 
> setuptools
> part should be the same.) In the build log / output, there's occasionally 
> these
> lines:
> [*] building 'sage.schemes.hyperelliptic_curves.hypellfrob' extension
> ... (The $CC ... commands)
> [*] building 'sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_modn_dense_ntl' extension
> [*] building 'sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.descent_two_isogeny' extension
> [*] building 'sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.mod_sym_num' extension
> [*] building 'sage.schemes.hyperelliptic_curves.hypellfrob' extension
> [*] building 'sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.period_lattice_region' extension
> [*] building 'sage.schemes.toric.divisor_class' extension
> [*] building 'sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_modn_dense_ntl' extension
> ([*] is [spkg-install]) But the issue for the user / developer is that this
> doesn't show what is the progress of the build, i.e. how many extensions has
> been built and how many are there left. Another annoyance would be lines such 
> as
> dependency <path> won't ... included in the manifest: the path must be 
> relative
> These are annoying mainly because running `make build` from an already built
> directory still prints 9054 of these, so it would be nice to mute them, or at
> least have the option to mute them.
> I think I can set the logging level to be > INFO (how do I do that? Is there 
> an
> environment variable? I can't find it in the Sage docs,) but then I also lose
> other logging.info informations.
> ============
> I traced down where these are printed. In two places:
> https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/blob/main/setuptools/command/build_ext.py#L289-L294
> https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/blob/main/setuptools/_distutils/command/build_ext.py#L530-L535
> So (from what I know) there are two options if we want to mute these lines:
> - I submit a PR to setuptools directly
>   -> but I doubt they would think the above reasoning is sufficient for a 
> change
> - Alternatively, I believe that Sage builds a Python from source currently, or
> at least that's what I believe, since I see a path

normally speaking, Sage uses python3 it finds (assuming it's not to old etc)
And we regularly get reports from users who unwittingly trigger Sage's
build of python3,
and it breaks.
(I advocate for removing the ability to build python3 from sage, but
well, we don't have a consensus
on this it seems)

> `/home/grhkm/git/sage/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages/setuptools/...`
> which contains the setuptools package used for building. Is it possible to 
> apply
> a patch to the setuptools, similar to other .patch files I see in `build/...`?
> If so, where should I put the patch file?
> Even if this is a bad idea, I hope someone can answer the "where should I put
> the patch file" question, I think it will help me understand the Sage build
> system a lot better.
> Thanks in advance!
> Gareth
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