The coxeter3 package is not the only one. The optional packages meataxe and 
sirocco also have .pyx files with no associated .so file.  Those three are 
the only optional packages which appear in
even though many other optional packages are enabled by my configure 
command.  I have no idea what would cause an optional package to be there.  
But whatever the mechanism may be, it also seems to cause the extension 
module for such an optional package not to get built. 

- Marc

On Sunday, January 26, 2025 at 11:50:57 AM UTC-6 Marc Culler wrote:

> In the venv of my recently built SageMath-10.6beta4 I find:
>  % ls lib/python3.12/site-packages/sage/libs/coxeter3 
> coxeter.pxd decl.pxd  __pycache__ coxeter.pyx
> In other subdirectories of sage/libs, such as flint, one finds that every 
> .pyx file has an associated .so file in the same subdirectory.  So I would 
> expect to find 
> lib/python3.12/site-packages/sage/libs/coxeter3/,
> but it is not there.
> That seems to suggest that coxeter.pyx is not being compiled by cython, 
> and therefore that the extension module sage.libs.coxeter3.coxeter is not 
> being built and hence is not installed.  
> So it looks to me like the sagelib build process is skipping the step of 
> cythonizing and compiling cython extension modules that are part of an 
> optional package.
> Am I missing some step which is needed for this to happen?  I have used 
> the --enable-coxeter3 flag in the configure command.  Do I need to do 
> something else?
> - Marc

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