the old X86_64 Homebrew is all in /usr/local/

I would just remove the whole /usr/local, unless you also have other things 

On 22 January 2025 22:14:35 GMT-06:00, David Einstein <> wrote:
>Yes,.  I also have the M1 files in /opt.  Is there some way of removing the 
>old inter brew files?  This was an artifact of moving to the new laptop and 
>just moving the system over.  I suspet that the best thing to do is to 
>reset the system and restore just necessary files from the backup, but I am 
>loath to take such a dramatic step.
>On Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 12:42:14 PM UTC-5 wrote:
>> It seems you have an obsolete version of Homebrew in /usr/local - the one 
>> for M1 installs itself to /opt, normally speaking.
>> On 21 January 2025 19:10:55 GMT-06:00, David Einstein <> 
>> wrote:
>>> Macosx 15.1.1  M1 laptop
>>> I probably messed something up with my python setup but I cannot figure 
>>> out what.
>>> It is looking for python 3.11 which I have removed.  
>>> Thank you for any assistance.  This is almost certainly my fault, but I'm 
>>> not sure how to fix it.
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