If you're really targeting beginners, I'd say jupyterlab notebooks. One 
step up: put your code in a separate file and load/import it all through 
the jupyterlab environment. It comes with a text editor.

Ideally, you'd have a jupyterhub deployment available so that your 
participants can start without having to install anything on their own 

On Tuesday, 7 January 2025 at 05:31:30 UTC-8 axio...@yahoo.de wrote:

> As I am preparing my first ever sage days, I was trying to figure out what 
> to recommend to new users.  My alter ego tells me that emacs is perhaps not 
> the first choice for users coming from Mathematica on MS Windows.
> Doing my research I stumbled over
> https://github.com/sagemath/sage/issues/30500
> which concludes with, essentially, "Maybe this is better done on the wiki, 
> and the wiki should have a summary page pointing to a page for each IDE or 
> text editor."
> However, I could not find any such wiki page.  Instead, I found 
> https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/developer/workspace.html#text-editors-and-ides-for-use-with-sage,
> which seems to promote the to me unknown https://www.gitpod.io
> I'd be very interested in experiences you have made!
> Best wishes,
> Martin

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