I am on arch linux, and I found that arch pacman package manager has latest 
sagemath. So I do not have to build sagemath from source, which is much 

So I used pacman to install sagemath 10.5 , also used it to install giac.

The issue is that, I do not know if sagemath is using its own builtin giac 
now or is it using the one I have also installed using pacman on same linux.

Is there a way to find out the exact version of giac that sagemath is 
using? Is it using one builtin internally inside sagemath binary, or it is 
using the one I have on linux outside of sagemath?

which sage 
>sage --version 
SageMath version 10.5, Release Date: 2024-12-04 
│ SageMath version 10.5, Release Date: 2024-12-04                    │ 
│ Using Python 3.13.1. Type "help()" for help.                       │ 
sage: print(giac.version()) 
"giac 1.9.0, (c) B. Parisse and R. De Graeve, Institut Fourier, Universite 
Grenoble Alpes. Optimization, signalprocessing, graph theory (c) Luka 
sage: exit() 

>which giac 
>giac --version 

The problem is that pacman actually installed giac 1.9.0-998, even though 
the version says 1.9.0 (this is because giac does not update the last 3 
digits in the version number).

>pacman -Q| grep giac 

And this is the latest giac version.  

I'd like to know if sagemath binary is using its own giac or is it using 
the system one, which is  


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