Thanks for the tips. Some changes have been made and now (almost) all tests
are passing.

On Wed, Dec 11, 2024 at 7:37 PM Nils Bruin <> wrote:

> Read on for the other failures. If you look up line 1953, you'll see it's
> inside a try/except. You're triggering the KeyError, so it's the outer one
> for you. That's the code that's trying to fill the cache, but it fails. The
> rest of the traceback is of THAT error (it is saying "During handling of
> the above exception, another exception occurred:" which refers to the fact
> that you're in a try/except). There you get exactly the same error as for
> "_representation_matrix_uncached", which is not caching at all.
> In general, if you get a traceback of which you don't understand the first
> few lines, read on a bit and/or look up some of the source code referenced.
> It'll often give you a clue how to get a better understanding of what
> failed. Python tracebacks contain lots of information. It takes a bit of
> training to find something helpful in there (but it's often there!)
> On Wednesday, 11 December 2024 at 11:58:22 UTC-8
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am attempting to move some code from symmetric_group_algebra to
>> symmetric_group_representations. We are constructing a unitary DFT for S_n
>> over F_{q^2} and number fields, and an intermediate step was constructing
>> unitary rep'ns. There's an alternate way to construct the unitary DFT which
>> bypasses creating unitary rep'ns, but I think it makes sense to move the
>> code to symmetric_group_representations.
>> I'd like to create a class called UnitaryRepresentation which extends
>> SymmetricGroupRepresentation_generic_class which does two things:
>> 1. returns the orthogonal rep'n in the characteristic zero case since
>> these rep'ns are real, so they are also unitary
>> 2. conjugates the 'specht' rep'n by the appropriate change-of-basis
>> matrix A
>> The tests are currently failing, and it seems to have something to do
>> with caching. I'm not entire sure how this works, and just copied the
>> format from SpechtRepresentation. It may even make more sense to extend one
>> of these classes.
>> Error: Failed example:: Exception raised:
>> <>Traceback
>> (most recent call last):
>> <>
>> File "sage/misc/cachefunc.pyx", line 1953, in
>> sage.misc.cachefunc.CachedMethodCaller.__call__
>> <>
>> return cache[k]
>> <>KeyError:
>> (([3, 2, 1, 4],), ())
>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Jackson
>> --
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