On Tue, Dec 3, 2024 at 4:15 AM Giacomo Pope <giacomop...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Running brew install gmp:
> Jack: sage % brew install gmp
> Warning: gmp 6.3.0 is already installed and up-to-date.
> To reinstall 6.3.0, run:
>   brew reinstall gmp
> I ran brew update and brew upgrade yesterday before attempting to install sage
> Jack: sage % brew update
> ==> Updating Homebrew...
> Updated 1 tap (homebrew/services).
> No changes to formulae or casks.
> Here's a new config log file after building with ./bootstrap instead of make 
> configure (the same error occurs).
> p.s.
> Running find, I can see the gmp.h file:
> Jack: sage % find /usr /opt -name "gmp.h"
> /usr/local/include/gmp.h
> /usr/local/Cellar/gmp/6.3.0/include/gmp.h

The 1st should be a link to the 2nd one. What's the output of

ls -l /usr/local/include/gmp.h
ls -l /usr/local/Cellar/gmp/6.3.0/include/gmp.h

(Homebrew does weird things if it finds already installed stuff in

Anyhow, your log shows that your C++ toolchain is broken.
I don't understand why it still passed C++ tests as OK.
What happens if you create a one-line file named x.cpp, containing just

#include <iosfwd>

and then run

clang++ -c x.cpp

You should get an error, it's basically also the error shown in the config.log

> On Monday, December 2, 2024 at 11:25:59 PM UTC dim...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Also, can you run
>> ./bootstrap
>> instead of "make configure" ?
>> On 2 December 2024 17:11:54 GMT-06:00, Dima Pasechnik <dim...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> What does
>>> brew install gmp
>>> say?
>>> When have you last updated Homebrew?
>>> Also, the config.log you posted looks incomplete and weird...
>>> On 2 December 2024 16:44:46 GMT-06:00, Giacomo Pope <giaco...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Workflow:
>>>> ```
>>>> Jack: sage % source ./.homebrew-build-env
>>>> Jack: sage % make configure
>>>> ...
>>>> Jack: sage % ./configure
>>>> ...
>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Checking whether SageMath should install SPKG gmp...
>>>> checking for gmp.h... no
>>>> checking for gmpxx.h... no
>>>> checking if version of GMP is greater than 6.2.1... no
>>>> checking for library containing __gmpn_gcd_11... -lgmp
>>>> configure: no suitable system package found for SPKG gmp
>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> ...
>>>> ```
>>>> Just to double check, we can ensure that brew has what we want:
>>>> ```
>>>> Jack: sage % brew search gmp
>>>> ==> Formulae
>>>> gmp ✔            gmt              gvp              gpp              xmp    
>>>>           emp              amp
>>>> ==> Casks
>>>> gimp
>>>> ```
>>>> and my git log:
>>>> ```
>>>> Jack: sage % git log
>>>> commit bf16199c92824caf46197468bea60f7d68f0809c (HEAD -> develop, tag: 
>>>> 10.5.rc2, upstream/develop, upstream/HEAD)
>>>> Author: Release Manager <rel...@sagemath.org>
>>>> Date:   Sat Nov 30 11:15:58 2024 +0100
>>>>     Updated SageMath version to 10.5.rc2
>>>> commit 68f446ad3f1abcea6e1a9b679a04242597f439f6
>>>> Merge: cb6ca569c15 7ce18777a7e
>>>> ```
>>>> any ideas why it's not detecting brew installations?
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