## PARI/GP Atelier 2025 (6-10 January 2025, Paris-Saclay)

[Apologies for multiple postings]


  WORKSHOP: 22th Atelier PARI/GP in Paris Saclay


We would like to announce a week-long workshop on the computer
algebra system PARI/GP, from 6th to 10th January 2025,
at Institut Pascal, Paris-Saclay.




- Bill Allombert <bill.allomb...@math.u-bordeaux.fr>
- Aurel Page <aurel.p...@inria.fr>
- Pascal Molin <mo...@math.univ-paris-diderot.fr>
- Samuel Lelièvre <samuel.lelie...@math.cnrs.fr>

This workshop is organized to discuss the current and future
development of the PARI/GP system but is open to all arithmeticians
with an interest in explicit computations. No previous expertise
with PARI/GP is expected, anyone interested is welcome!

The workshop will include

(1) Short (mathematically oriented) status reports on the current
development projects.

(2) Tutorial sessions.

(3) Brainstorming sessions, to spell out and discuss ideas about
the system development: new features, new algorithms, improving
old implementations, bug fixes, extensions to GP syntax,
documentation overhaul...

(4) Hacking sessions: inspired by (3), but also bring your
own problems!

Please share your ideas for Discussion topics (3)
or Coding sessions (4) with the development mailing list


Feel free to suggest topics for the Tutorial sessions (2).

REGISTRATION: Please register as soon as possible with one
of the organizers; participation to the Atelier is free of
charge. Five lunches and the conference dinner on Wednesday
are offered but we cannot cover travel or other local costs.

Bill and Aurel

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