Dear SageMath community members,

I'm writing on behalf of my undergraduate student Abram Miller, who is 
conducting a survey to better understand the state of research software 
engineering for mathematics, that is, the engineering of software that 
powers contemporary research in mathematics. This survey would be quite 
incomplete without the perspective of the SageMath community, so I 
appreciate anyone who has 10-15 minutes to share their experiences with us.

Full invitation is below; please feel free to email me at 
<> if you have any questions.


Dear Participant,

You are invited to participate as a volunteer in a research study on the 
state of research
software engineering in mathematics.

This is an anonymous survey that will take around 10-15 minutes to complete.
Demographic information will be recorded, but no personally identifying 
will be collected.

Participation in this study is greatly appreciated. Data from this study 
will help the
investigators better understand how mathematicians can be most effective in 
using and
developing research software.

All provided information is for research purposes only. Withdrawal from the 
study has
no consequences; data from your survey is anonymous, will only be collected 
confirmation of completion of the survey, and will only be made available 
publicly in the
aggregate. Contact or the Institutional Review 
Board at the
University of South Alabama at (251) 460-6308 if you have questions about 
your rights
as a research subject.

If you are a willing participant in the study, you may click the link to 
the survey below to
read and agree to the informed consent before starting the survey. Again, 
participation is invaluable and we thank you for your input.

Link to the online survey:

Abram Miller, CSC499 Student
Steven Clontz, Faculty mentor
University of South Alabama

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