
When I try to compile sage 10.4 on Mac OS (Sonoma 14.7 for M1, with Xcode 
16.0) , I get the following error at the moment then pip-24.0 is compiled:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pipes'

Before compiling, I installed the required packages with brew and did the 
standard installation steps:

source ./.homebrew-build-env
make -j4

I attach the log file where the error appears. Any suggestions will be 
appreciated. Thank you!

Best wishes,

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Using cached file 
Setting up build directory 
No stamp file for package 'pip' in 
No spkg-legacy-uninstall script; nothing to do
[spkg-install] Staged wheel file, staged 
Moving package files from temporary location 
 to /Users/maskat/local/sage-10.4/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.9
[spkg-pipinst] Traceback (most recent call last):
[spkg-pipinst]   File "/Users/maskat/local/sage-10.4/build/bin/sage-flock", 
line 23, in <module>
[spkg-pipinst]     from sage_bootstrap.flock import run
[spkg-pipinst]   File 
"/Users/maskat/local/sage-10.4/build/bin/../sage_bootstrap/flock.py", line 15, 
in <module>
[spkg-pipinst]     import pipes
[spkg-pipinst] ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pipes'
[spkg-pipinst] Traceback (most recent call last):
[spkg-pipinst]   File "/Users/maskat/local/sage-10.4/build/bin/sage-flock", 
line 23, in <module>
[spkg-pipinst]     from sage_bootstrap.flock import run
[spkg-pipinst]   File 
"/Users/maskat/local/sage-10.4/build/bin/../sage_bootstrap/flock.py", line 15, 
in <module>
[spkg-pipinst]     import pipes
[spkg-pipinst] ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pipes'
[spkg-pipinst] Warning: installing with "python3 -m pip install --verbose 
 --disable-pip-version-check --isolated --no-cache-dir" failed. Retrying, 
adding "--no-deps --ignore-installed --ignore-requires-python"
[spkg-pipinst] Traceback (most recent call last):
[spkg-pipinst]   File "/Users/maskat/local/sage-10.4/build/bin/sage-flock", 
line 23, in <module>
[spkg-pipinst]     from sage_bootstrap.flock import run
[spkg-pipinst]   File 
"/Users/maskat/local/sage-10.4/build/bin/../sage_bootstrap/flock.py", line 15, 
in <module>
[spkg-pipinst]     import pipes
[spkg-pipinst] ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pipes'
[spkg-pipinst] Error: installing with pip  failed
[spkg-pipinst] Error installing pip
Error running the pipinst script for pip-24.0.
Please email sage-devel (http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel)
explaining the problem and including the log files
Describe your computer, operating system, etc.

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