This very first step looked easy, I have done it in  Waiting for the testbots.


On Saturday 28 September 2024 at 19:01:44 UTC+2 Martin R wrote:

> Dear all,
> in, which provides a solver 
> for functional equations in lazy completions of graded algebras with basis, 
> I (want to) use generic methods, so that I do not have to write special 
> code for every other algebra.  Here is an example which I find a bit 
> depressing:
> sage: s = SymmetricFunctions(QQ).s()
> sage: f = (s[1,1] + s[2])^2
> sage: f.monomial_coefficients()
> {[2, 1, 1]: 3, [2, 2]: 2, [1, 1, 1, 1]: 1, [3, 1]: 3, [4]: 1}
> sage: list(f)
> [([2, 1, 1], 3), ([2, 2], 2), ([1, 1, 1, 1], 1), ([3, 1], 3), ([4], 1)]
> sage: s.monomial(Partition([2,1,1]))
> s[2, 1, 1]
> This works for algebras subclassing CombinatorialFreeModule, for example 
> symmetric functions and the free algebra.
> However, it will not work for polynomials:
> sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
> sage: f = (x+2*y)^2
> sage: list(f)
> [(1, x^2), (4, x*y), (4, y^2)]
> sage: R.monomial(0,2)
> y^2
> sage: T.<x> = QQ[]
> sage: t = (x+1)^2
> sage: list(t)
> [1, 2, 1]
> Note that
> * coefficient_monomials does not exist
> * list gives pairs in the multivariate case, but the coefficient comes 
> first, and a flat list in the univariate case
> * monomial takes one argument for each variable, and does not accept 
> tuples.
> My question is: do we want to keep this discrepancy forever, or should we 
> work on resolving it.
> I see the following first steps:
> * slightly generalize MPolynomialRing_base.monomial and to accept also a 
> single tuple of the correct length.
> * introduce a method `monomial_coefficients` which produces a dict from 
> exponents to coefficients.
> Any opinions?

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