WorksForMe(TM) on 10.5.beta5 compiiled from source running under Debian 
testing on core i7 + 16 GB RAM.

Your problem may be specific to your setup (hardware, OS, type of 
installation, installed software). Can you describe it ? Especially what 
you use to generate and view PDFs...

Le samedi 28 septembre 2024 à 08:45:58 UTC+2, a écrit :

> Dear All,
> I see that there were some problems recently with the view command which 
> seem to have been fixed. However, compared to older versions of SageMath, 
> there still seems to be some odd behaviors. For example, the commands
> sage: B = crystals.Tableaux(['A',2],shape=[1])
> sage: view(B)
> produce the pdf file which is cut off at the top and does not show the 
> full graph. This did not happen in older versions of SageMath.
> Best wishes,
> Anne

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