On Sun, 2024-09-22 at 20:05 -0700, 'tobia...@gmx.de' via sage-devel
> Michael, to make things short: The discussion is around these changes to 
> the `pyproject.toml` file 
> https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/38227/files#diff-0acbedc0b174ebec342997fdca9442a5486917ab04644da866213e97d2543604
> which he claims harmonize the constraints with scipy (although scipy 
> actually declares a different numpy constraint). I'd argue that these are 
> incorrect as build-time requirements of scipy should not influence what 
> build-time requirements we declare for sage-the-lib. Matthias claims these 
> are needed for the system-site-package feature.

--enable-system-site-packages doesn't care about pyproject.toml

As I probably argued when it was introduced, I think the pyproject.toml
for sagelib should contain the actual dependencies for sagelib, because
that's what it's for and that's what everyone expects and it makes life
easier for end users and packagers.

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