On Tuesday 20 August 2024 at 06:54:00 UTC-7 Michael Orlitzky wrote:

As a distro package, tachyon is mildly annoying, but all that it really 
needs is a sane build system. The existing one is a case study in what 
happens when you try to recreate autotools in undocumented Makefile 
fragments. Ultimately it's not a complicated program to build. 

The author doesn't have a bug tracking / PR system in place or an 
obvious way to accept contributions. Has anyone tried contacting him? 
If we spent a day collectively writing configure.ac and Makefile.am, it 
seems to me that we could solve all of the problems shared by Sage, 
Debian, Arch, Gentoo, etc. 

Regardless of Tachyon's status in sagemath, such an action would be of 
great benefit to the open source community at large. The author of Tachyon, 
John Stone, is now part of the group that develops VMD, so I imagine 
packaging tachyon in a standalone fashion is not necessarily a priority for 
him. Even with the build process updated, the package would require someone 
committing to maintain it (which hopefully would be a minor task). Ideally 
this would happen in collaboration with the original author, but the code 
is licensed BSD-3, so I don't think it's technically necessary.

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