This idea appeals to me, as someone who used to do a lot of Sage 
development but is much less active now.
I would be willing to serve on such an advisory board if it came into 

Op woensdag 26 juni 2024 om 02:57:57 UTC+2 schreef Matthias Köppe:

> The purpose: Giving a formal role in the project to individuals who
> had a major involvement in the project (as Sage developer or in
> another function) in the past (but did not recently/currently).
> There would be a clearly defined workload and set of expectations; low
> but nonzero. Example: "Meet 3 times a year synchronously, read and
> comment on <= 5 pages of material per year."
> Rationales:
> 1. Many of us are perfectionists. When we haven't had the time or
> energy to follow the day-to-day development in a project in a while,
> putting our minds back on an old project can be extremely stressful:
> We are reminded of loose ends, ambitions that did not pan out, Trac
> tickets that got stuck, promises that we made but could not keep.
> Because of such emotional costs, it is safer to stay disengaged.
> That's why it's crucial to define the workload and expectations, to
> make clear for everyone: "No, it is not expected that you catch up
> with everything, it is not expected that you come back and do Sage
> development."
> 2. Open source governance is necessarily based on participation. The
> new Advisory Board would give a voice in the governance structure of
> the project to past major contributors who cannot commit to full
> participation in the project.
> Comments? Interested in serving on the board? Nominations?
> Please respond here or write to me.
> Matthias
> -- 
> Matthias Koeppe --

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