I have opened https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/38387, which intends to 
make "configure --enable-SPKG" work for "pip" packages.

This will need some careful testing.

On Saturday, July 13, 2024 at 2:47:56 AM UTC-7 David Coudert wrote:

> I'm also not able to find the documentation of the best way to install 
> optional packages.
> It would be nice to know all the steps to install each specific package. I 
> assume that the steps are not the same for all optional packages since some 
> of them are pip installable and others are not.
> Thanks,
> David.
> On Friday, July 12, 2024 at 6:31:54 PM UTC+2 enriqu...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Thanks. Is it documented somewhere?
>> El viernes, 12 de julio de 2024 a las 15:01:19 UTC+2, Dima Pasechnik 
>> escribió:
>>> Yes, this is a recent change.
>>> It's time to retire "sage -i".
>>> Dima
>>> On 12 July 2024 07:03:19 BST, "enriqu...@gmail.com" <enriqu...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> I am not sure if the subject reflects exactly what I mean but I have 
>>>> just seen a change of behavior. It is maybe intended but I do not see it 
>>>> reflected in the documentation or I did not know how to look for it.
>>>> I use quite often the optional package sirocco. It was installed in my 
>>>> develop branch at worked flawlessly. I needed to make some computations 
>>>> yesterday and the system failed to find some packages in sage.libs.
>>>> I tried to uninstall and reinstall, even make distclean without 
>>>> success; installing with sage -i sirocco or make sirocco did not work (it 
>>>> installed it but libs were not found). 
>>>> The solution was to apply first ./configure --enable-sagemath_sirocco.
>>>> Was it produced by some change? 
>>>> In the same lines, make doc-pdf produced a couple of errors in a new 
>>>> system concerning xindy and free_fonts. I will start probably a PR to put 
>>>> the actual packages that work in Fedora. After installing them the error 
>>>> persisted and it only disappeared after a ./configure. Maybe this hint in 
>>>> the logs of somewhere in the documentation would help.
>>>> Thanks, Enrique.

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