Can you just install and use Homebrew gfortran (a part of gcc package) ?

I don't really think Sage should be in business of helping users to install 
Fortran on their Apple machines - at least without appropriate funding from 
Apple :-)

On 2 July 2024 19:35:35 BST, Matthias Koeppe <> wrote:
>Please try with a more recent version of Sage (yours is 10.0.beta2 per 
>config.log; we have updated gfortran since then) and in 
>particular, which updates the 
>sage-numerical-backends-... packages.
>On Tuesday, July 2, 2024 at 7:36:44 AM UTC-7 Jan V. wrote:
>> Hi,
>> as mentioned in 
>> I tried to run the command "sage -i cbc" in order to resolve an error 
>> occuring in an installation of a tool using Gurobi, as the file 
>> '/opt/sage_numerical_backends_gurobi-9.3.1.tar.gz' does not exist on my pc. 
>> However, installing cbc results in an error due to gfortran, see the 
>> log-file, which is zipped due to its excessive size. 
>> Thanks in advance for your help!
>> Jan
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