On 1 July 2024 21:32:10 BST, Marc Culler <marc.cul...@gmail.com> wrote:
>I think it would be good to replace misleading messages in sage by accurate 
>messages. I offer as an example the following message which occurs if I run 
>sage after first running:
>   export DOT_SAGE="~/Library/Application Support/SageMath-10-4""
>The message I got was:
>  Your home directory has a space in it.  This
>  will probably break some functionality of Sage.  E.g.,
>  the GAP interface will not work. A workaround
>  is to set the environment variable HOME to a
>  directory with no spaces that you have write
>  permissions to before you start sage.
>It is false that my home directory has a space in it, and consequently 
>setting HOME to a different directory will not solve any problems.  So the 
>first and third sentences are complete garbage.
>I would like to know if the second sentence is true.  I ran sage -gap using 
>that value of DOT_SAGE and it seemed to work fine.  Does it really matter 
>to GAP whether DOT_SAGE contains a space? If so, where should I be looking 
>for this broken functionality?  Is it correct to interpret "GAP interface" 
>to mean what you get when you run  "sage -gap"?

Not only this. Also, libgap, and GAP packages might have an issue with this. It 
used to be a problem in the past, for sure.

Try  installing gap_packages and run tests.

>- Marc
>PS I am asking because I would like to follow the Python convention of 
>using the "~/Library/Application Support" directory as the location of 
>user-installed pip packages installed with sage -pip.  I would also like to 
>arrange for the macOS sage app to organize sage's user-installed pip 
>packages by Sage version, not by python version. Multiple versions of sage 
>(e.g. 10.2 and 10.3) may use the same python version, but that does not 
>mean that the they should share pip packages. 

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