Hi Marc,

On Sun, Jun 30, 2024 at 8:04 AM Marc Mezzarobba <m...@mezzarobba.net> wrote:
> 'Peter Mueller' via sage-devel wrote:
> > R.<a, b> = GF(2)[]
> > L = [a^2+a, b^2+b]
> > I = ideal(L)
> > V = I.variety(algorithm='msolve', proof=False)
> >
> > raises a `ValueError: positive-dimensional ideal`, which of course is
> > nonsense. Exporting the system to an msolve-readable file and using
> > msolve directly (with the -P 2 flag) returns the correct result.

with an up to date
(latest msolve
commit a286a83057b3ac2dab5b660af92b1412d66ecf9b (HEAD, origin/master,
Merge: dd6a447 f109dd5
Author: ederc <ed...@mathematik.uni-kl.de>
Date:   Fri Jun 28 22:12:17 2024 +0200)

I am getting "NotImplementedError"

sage: R.<a, b> = GF(2)[]
....: L = [a^2+a, b^2+b]
....: I = ideal(L)
....: V = I.variety(algorithm='msolve', proof=False)
NotImplementedError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 4
      2 L = [a**Integer(2)+a, b**Integer(2)+b]
      3 I = ideal(L)
----> 4 V = I.variety(algorithm='msolve', proof=False)
File /mnt/opt/Sage/sage-dev/src/sage/rings/polynomial/msolve.py:282,
in variety(ideal, ring, proof)
    278 # Criterion suggested by Mohab Safey El Din to avoid cases where there
    279 # is no rational parameterization or where the one returned by msolve
    280 # has a significant probability of being incorrect.
    281 if deg >= char > 0 or 0 < char <= 2**17 and deg != elim.degree():
--> 282     raise NotImplementedError(f"characteristic {char} too small")
    283 den = to_poly(den)

So this is due to "0 < char <= 2**17 and deg != elim.degree()" - added
by you - which does not make sense to me.
Is this "Criterion" no longer applicable?

> What exact command are you using to run msolve, and what does your input
> file contain? On my system:
> ~$ cat /tmp/tmprcz_zw9l
> a,b
> 2
> a^2+a,
> b^2+b
> ~$ msolve -P 2 -f /tmp/tmprcz_zw9l
> [1, 3, -1, []]:

I am getting the following output:
[0, [2,
['a', 'b', 'A'],
[1, 1]],

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