Thanks. It looks like the error occurs in integralbasis.lib. It's last 
version data is fairly recent, so the file may be under active maintenance.

sagemath has grown enough divisor machinery that it can probably compute a 
conic model of a genus 0 curve, which would be more standard to try and 
parametrize. Alternatively, with point searching methods (which may not be 
implemented comprehensively in sage) one could perhaps find a degree 1 
place on the genus 0 curve directly and use Riemann-Roch machinery to 
compute the parametrization without going through a conic model.

So, if this functionality in integralbasis.lib in singular is not 
comprensive enough, it may be a doable project to do it in sage directly 

Note that algcurves is sometimes a little too eager in finding a 
parametrization: it might just adjoin a point over an extension to get a 
parametrization (also when that's not required). If you need the 
parametrization for arithmetic applications, that's a problem. But indeed, 
Mark van Hoeij did an amazing job on that maple package!

On Wednesday 17 April 2024 at 08:12:35 UTC-7 wrote:

The following code raises a SingularError in SageMath version 10.4.beta3 
(with system singular enabled), and the same at :

R.<x, y> = QQ[]
f = -2*x^2*y^2 - x^3 - x^2*y + x*y^2 + y^3 + 2*x^2 + 2*y^2 - 2
C = Curve(f)
assert C.genus() == 0

The polynomial f is absolutely irreducible, and the given curve is 
rationally parametrized e.g. by (x, y) = 
(1/2*(t^3+t^2+t-1)/t^2, 1/2/t*(t^3+t^2-t+1)).

-- Peter Mueller

PS: To me as a naive end user, it looks like Singular has had recurring 
problems with basic things for many years that have worked smoothly in 
systems like Maple (and its algcurves package) for more than 30 years.

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