On Monday 31 March 2008 07:04:18 am Mike Hansen wrote:
> Here are the timings I get by pretty much just copying balanced_list_prod.

About a month ago, I mailed sage-devel with a related issue:

sage: N=1000
sage: R.<x,y>=QQ[]
sage: L2=[x^i for i in range(N)]
sage: sum(L2)

The above sum behaves quadratically since it appears that singular goes 
through it's whole list of monomials when it adds a single monomial.  This 
was much improved by a divide and conquer sum approach.  I didn't bother to 
write the generic function though.

I'm just noting that if you've written the generic code, I think it should be 
included because there are some types for which the small additions are 
expensive.  Whether or not this should replace 'sum' in the sage global 
namespace, I'm not so certain.


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