On Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 2:08 PM Cassidy Taylor <luzhang...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Happy to hear you back! 😄
> I have two questions want to ask now , first one is why I couldnt see my
> reply on Google Group sage-devel in our conversation? Seems like I can only
> start a conversation but cannot reply anyone?🤔

you can use either a desktop/laptop browser to assess Google Group
interface - there you can reply.

Or you can use email interface  - sending emails and replies to
(I cc this message there)

And the second one is kinda interesting which is the code I want to
> reproduce named AgentNet is "another" AgentNet , it is launched in 2023 on
> ICLR with full name "AGENT-BASED GRAPH NEURAL NETWORKS" and the author
> is Karolis Martinkus, the screenshot of this code is fig.1.

it seems to be using Sage in a very restricted way - using it to  generate
some particular graphs.
You cam remove the dependence on sage with a little work (adapting Sage's
code to using networkx's graphs instead)

Otherwise you could try removing fixed version constraints in AgentNet's
environment.yml, in hope that then Conda will be able to resolve the


> Dima Pasechnik <dimp...@gmail.com> 于2024年3月28日周四 20:34写道:
>> On Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 3:54 AM Cassidy Taylor <luzhang...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Thank you for your reply!
>>> However I cant change or update my conda environment cause the code I
>>> want to reproduce (which is called  AgentNet) have already  specified
>>> restrictions on conda environment and other required library versions.
>>> But I wil try to download sage 10.2 on my conda-11.3 environment.
>> AgentNet has not been updated for 7 years, and its GitHub repo is
>> "archived"
>> Getting it to work in 2024 might need more work - or, perhaps, using a
>> different tool all together.
>> https://github.com/yandexdataschool/AgentNet
>>> Anyway, thank you again and wish you have a great day!
>>> 在2024年3月27日星期三 UTC+8 17:42:28<Dima Pasechnik> 写道:
>>> Hello,
>>> your installation shows sage 9.6, but conda carries sage 10.2 now:
>>> https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/sage
>>> That's one you should be getting if you follow
>>> https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/installation/conda.html
>>> Could it be that your conda environment needs an update?
>>> HTH
>>> Dima
>>> On Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 9:11 AM Cassidy Taylor <luzha...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> Everytime I tried to download Sagemath in the conda environment I
>>> created on Ubuntu , the terminal kept showing this error(fig.1) . It shows
>>> that there is something wrong with the download of gmp-6.2.1(fig.2) ,
>>> seemed like it is my C++ compiler not available.
>>> [image: 微信图片_20240327153329.png]
>>> [image: 微信图片_20240327153257.png]
>>> BUT I have searched for so many days and so many ways , and I have
>>> checked that my C++ compiler is already downloaded(fig.3) god knows how
>>> many times, besides I also downloaded gmp-6.2.1.tar.zst on my ubuntu
>>> system.
>>> [image: 微信图片_20240327153307.png]
>>> Pls reply ASAP , this really set back my postgraduate career...
>>> Looking forward to your answering , thank you !
>>> --
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