With no further discussion on this thread
<https://groups.google.com/g/sage-devel/c/XDvKkMRoDk4>, I'm calling a vote
on a new process for resolving disagreements on a PR.

It is now allowed to vote on disputed PRs directly on Github rather than
bringing them to sage-devel.  Working things out amicably is preferable,
and anyone is welcome to ask on sage-devel for more eyes on a PR.  If you
notice a serious issue with a PR, it is acceptable to change it to Needs
Work (and make a comment!) as an initial step, but if the author or
reviewer do not agree then process below should be followed instead. This
process is intended as a lower-intensity method for resolving
disagreements, and full votes on sage-devel override the process described
a. When there is disagreement about whether a PR should be merged, anyone
may mark a PR as disputed.
b. There is no scheduled vote, but rather an ongoing poll based on opinions
expressed by developers on the PR (these opinions can be expressed via
previous positive reviews or explicit comments giving approval).  The PR
author is presumed to vote in favor; if they give up or no longer favor the
PR they have the right to close the PR overall without any further voting.
c. If the total number of positive votes is at least twice the number of
negative votes, anyone involved may set the status to *positive review*; if
the total number of positive votes is less than twice the number of
negative votes, anyone involved may set the status to *needs review*.  When
either of these actions is taken, the person changing the status must list
the people they are counting as positive and negative votes in a comment
using @ mentions.
d. The final decision on merging a disputed PR remains with the release
manager, and we encourage the release manager to give enough time for
everyone to express an opinion.

Voting will be open until Wednesday, March 13.

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