Hi Miguel,
There's of course a large scope of work that can be meaningful. I'll just 
mention two directions, but I'll be happy to have a broader and/or more 
detailed conversation.
1. For interactive proof assistants/theorem provers such as LEAN, it can be 
powerful to make CAS capabilities available, in particular on the proof 
tactics and user interface levels. A first example of using Sage in this 
way (basically as an interface to Singular's Gröbner bases) showed up in 
LEAN / mathlib in 2022, see links in 
2. There is an interesting opportunity to improve the Sage reference manual 
by cross-referencing mathlib (or mathematical libraries of other theorem 
provers); for example and perhaps starting with sage.categories. In 
contrast to just linking to a Wikipedia page for a definition, this could 
be doctested and roundtripped.


On Saturday, February 10, 2024 at 8:50:42 AM UTC-8 mmarco wrote:

One question, Matthias: I see that you have proposed a project involving 
integration with proof assistants/theorem provers. Just out of curiosity: 
how do you envision such integration? 

On Sunday, February 4, 2024 at 7:19:44 AM UTC+9 Matthias Koeppe wrote:

To get the process started for this year, I have created the page 
https://wiki.sagemath.org/GSoC/2024 by copying last year's page, removing a 
completed project and adding a new project that I hope to mentor this 

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