On Thu, Jan 18, 2024 at 11:39 AM 'Ruchit Jagodara' via sage-devel
<sage-devel@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Actually, that won't work according to the implementation.

sorry, I don't understand what won't work.
Did you mean to ask a different question?

> Can you please take a look at the code I wrote (although I have not written 
> it according to codestyle of sage, yet. But I will do that when the code 
> starts working.), where minimum_generating_set is the main function?
> Link- 
> https://github.com/RuchitJagodara/sage/blob/8b642329b6d579c536511d5f1d1511fb842c9c54/src/sage/groups/libgap_wrapper.pyx#L405C1-L513C1
> I have implemented this code according to the research paper.

Sorry, what paper are you talking about?

> The algorithm can find the minimum generating set in polynomial time, which 
> is very cool! So, I thought it would be good to implement this in Sage, 
> especially since the paper has been recently published.
> I've almost completed the code, but I'm unsure about how to find the Quotient 
> group and its representative elements. I need help with this.
> I've outlined my doubts in the code, which you can see in the following link:-
> https://github.com/RuchitJagodara/sage/blob/8b642329b6d579c536511d5f1d1511fb842c9c54/src/sage/groups/libgap_wrapper.pyx#L478-L486
> GAP has a function named RightCosets that can be used to form a quotient 
> group, but there is a problem: how can I find representative elements of that 
> group? Additionally, how can I create a Quotient group using RightCosets in 
> Sage, given that the algorithm uses a recursive call, and the quotient group 
> must have the ParentLibGAP.minimum_generating_set function?
> On Wednesday, January 17, 2024 at 2:35:55 PM UTC+5:30 Dima Pasechnik wrote:
>> Functions such as Group(), PermutationGroup() take such lists as inputs.
>> On 17 January 2024 06:35:07 GMT, 'Ruchit Jagodara' via sage-devel 
>> <sage-...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>> And to implement the function, I want a function that takes a list of 
>>> generators and returns a group. Does anyone know of any function that can 
>>> do this?
>>> On Friday, January 12, 2024 at 8:38:18 PM UTC+5:30 Ruchit Jagodara wrote:
>>>> I am implementing the minimum_generating_set function in Sage, but I am 
>>>> facing some issues, such as where I should implement that function as my 
>>>> implementation uses some gap methods. And I found one class ParentLibGAP 
>>>> which can be used for this but I am not sure because I found that 
>>>> PermutationGroup class is not derived from this class so if I implement 
>>>> this function here then function will not be available for this group (And 
>>>> I don't know if there are many more), plus I have to use some functions of 
>>>> GroupMixinLibGAP class, so can you please suggest me a location or any fix 
>>>> for this.
> --
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