1. I think many of these uses have been made obsolete by the automatic 
pingbacks that appear when an Issue/PR is mentioned elsewhere. For example, 
in PR https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/36951, I included the text "- 
Part of https://github.com/sagemath/sage/issues/33577";, which created a 
"This was referenced" message over there.

2. Additional links can be added just by posting a reply in the Meta-Issue. 
When it becomes useful to incorporate it in the description, either the 
original creator of the Meta-Issue and also anyone in the Maintainer role 
can do so. 

3. The current assignments of roles in the GitHub project (above the level 
of the Triage team; in particular Maintainer and Admin roles) are the 
result of a not very clearly defined process. Now, 1 year after the 
migration of Sage development to GitHub, it would probably be a good timing 
to establish a clear process and review the current role assignments.

On Wednesday, January 10, 2024 at 8:08:35 AM UTC-8 Lorenz Panny wrote:

> Back in the days of trac, we sometimes had meta tickets that anyone
> could edit, for things such as wishlists or keeping track of larger
> projects. Some of these meta tickets were turned into GitHub issues,
> but now they are no longer editable by anyone except the original
> author (or so it seems). Is there any accepted way of dealing with
> this?

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