        I am the maintainer for the Slackware package of SageMath. They've 
recently instituted a policy that all packages must be built in /tmp, which 
makes things tricky with Sage, as the build directory might get removed at 
a later point, and Sage needs that. Previously I had just built in 
/opt/sage, set SAGE_ROOT=/opt/sage, and it worked fine (with some work on 
the path). I was also building as root (--enable-build-as-root), but 
everything worked fine. Now I cannot do this.

I've tried to play with --prefix=SAGE_LOCAL and --disable-editable 
(supposed to make a self-contained installation), but if I run 
SAGE_LOCAL/bin/sage I get

$ sage
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/SBo/sage-10.1/src/bin/sage-ipython", line 9, in <module>
    from sage.misc.banner import banner
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sage'

That directory is the build directory (not SAGE_ROOT or SAGE_LOCAL), so 
something has gone wrong with the portable-ness. Possibly because I built 
as root, for sure.

So is there a solution here? The installation manual does not help a lot 
with this, I need to build a portable installation as root - or other 
ideas, like how to fix the error above, where the "portable installation" 
points to the build directory.


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