I seond the previous arguments for switching to lualatex rather than xetex 
: the former is *officially* the heir apparent to pdftex, while the latter 
is bound to become an historical, then unmaintained, then paleontological 
piece of software…

And, yes, supporting Unicode is a necessity. Unless you insist on 
ressurecting the horrors of codepages or EBCDIC…

Of note : using TeXLive setup, I noticed that the most important slowdown 
of lualatex seems to originate in the *first* use of a given font in a 
given document : lualatex seems to compile a file of font metrics, which is 
lengthy, but is re-used in following recompilations. This compilation is 
especially long for math fonts, which have a few *thousands* of 
glyphs/symbols (rather than a mere *hundreds* for a vanilla alphabetic 
font. And don’t get me sarted on *hanzi* or *kanji* fonts…).

ISTR that this “font metrics caching” can be directed to be shared for a 
whole directory, subtree or even globally, bu, my head on the billot, I 
couldn’t remember how… Maybe Doris migh be more helpful ?
Le jeudi 14 décembre 2023 à 10:18:41 UTC+1, Kwankyu Lee a écrit :

> Hi,
> The PR 
> https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/36861
> aims at switching from pdflatex to xelatex the latex engine to render 
> objects in pdf using the command like "view(objects)" as well as in 
> building the sage documentation.
> As xelatex natively supports Unicode, we removed lots of commands like
> \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{03B1}{\ensuremath{\alpha}}
> which were needed to support Unicode in pdflatex. 
> We worry that some Unicode functionality was lost in this process, and so 
> we invite Unicode users to test with the PR.
> Here is the Binder link to where you can play around with xelatex-enabled 
> sage:
> https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/kwankyu/sage/use-xelatex-by-default-binder
> or you should build sage with the PR.
> If you find some Unicode-related defect not existent in sage 10.2, please 
> report it to the PR. 
> Thanks.

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