In a QA attempt I tried to find calling sort() in graphs without
|key|, which may raise exception.

On sage 9.6:

$cd /usr/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/sage/graphs/
$grep -rnI 'sort(' . | grep -v 'key=' | grep -v 'topological'

#15 results

./base/static_sparse_backend.pyx:512:            vertices.sort()
./base/static_sparse_graph.pxd:10:    void qsort(void *base, int
nmemb, int size,
./base/static_sparse_graph.pyx:293:            qsort(g.neighbors[i],
g.neighbors[i+1] - g.neighbors[i], sizeof(int), compare_uint32_p)
./graph_decompositions/vertex_separation.pyx:1841:    delta.sort()
./connectivity.pyx:287:        c.sort()
./            multi_edges.sort()
./            output.sort()
./            sage: lap.sort(reverse=True)
./        evals.sort(reverse=True)
./        e.sort()
./    degree_sequence.sort()
./            l.sort()
./        ones.sort()
./        twos.sort()
./        threes.sort()

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