On Sun, Jun 18, 2023 at 10:16 AM Emmanuel Briand
<emmanuel.bri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Have you taken into account the following?
> ignature:      G1.spanning_trees_count(root_vertex=None)
> Docstring:
>    Return the number of spanning trees in a graph.
>    In the case of a digraph, counts the number of spanning out-trees
>    rooted in "root_vertex".  Default is to set first vertex as root.

Thanks, I should have RTFM.

This still doesn't work for me:

sage: G1.spanning_trees_count(root_vertex=None),G2.spanning_trees_count(root_ver
....: tex=None)

Is it rigorous to set c1=G1.spanning_trees_count()
and then do:

sage: c1=G1.spanning_trees_count()
sage: for i in range(G1.order()):
....:     c2=G2.spanning_trees_count(i)
....:     if c2==c1:  print(i)

I expect for isomorphic multi digraphs the loop to find equal c1,c2?

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