NEP 29 just defines the minimum supported Python version, having a longer 
support window is equally NEP 29 compatible. 

Since we depend on numpy, sage-the-library inherits NEP 29. There isn't 
really anything to vote on here.

As far as sage-the-distribution goes, we should tie the support window to 
popular distros. Ideally by liberally calling "conda install python" 
whenever the distro python is too old.

Its unclear to me if this or the vote thread is about the library code or 
the distribution...

On Saturday, February 25, 2023 at 4:10:07 AM UTC+1 Tobias Diez wrote:

> Hi all, 
> I propose to follow the NumPy enhancement proposal 29: "Recommend Python 
> and Numpy version support as a community policy standard" available at: 
> In essence it specifies when it's okay to drop support for old Python 
> version. Namely, a release should support "all minor versions of Python 
> released 42 months prior to the project, and at minimum the two latest 
> minor versions. ". In particular, this means:
> - On Apr 14, 2023 drop support for Python 3.8 (initially released on Oct 
> 14, 2019) 
> - On Apr 05, 2024 drop support for Python 3.9 (initially released on Oct 
> 05, 2020)
> The main idea of NEP 29 is to have a community-wide standard to prevent 
> issues with e.g. dependencies dropping support for older Python versions to 
> early. It is followed by many scientific packages such as Scipy, 
> Matplotlib, and IPython, among others. Sage itself is also roughly 
> following it (based on the past drops, e.g. Python 3.7 support was dropped 
> 9 months ago and NEP recommends Dec 26, 2021). But as far as I'm aware 
> there is not yet a clear policy for when to drop support for older versions.
> Of course, the dates in the NEP 29 are only a guideline and not set in 
> stone, e.g. you don't want to drop support at the end of the release cycle 
> just because the NEP says so. But for example, Sage 10 will be most likely 
> released after Apr 14 2023, so we can now already drop support for Python 
> 3.8.
> Relevant issue:

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