Btw., I recently applied for "Sponsored OSS" status on the Docker Hub which 
was finally granted. So we can now have more then 3 user accounts with 
write access (until now it was mkoeppe, a bot user and myself.) Please 
contact me if you want to be added as a maintainer.

On Thursday, May 11, 2023 at 4:29:31 PM UTC+3 wrote:

> Sorry, I didn't see this thread.
> I do have the credentials for docker hub. I am happy to share them with 
> anybody who wants to help with maintaining the docker images. (I don't use 
> the docker images anymore myself so I do not really maintain them anymore. 
> Also, the automatic infrastructure that we used to update them broke years 
> ago which makes the process quite a bit of work. With each release of 
> SageMath, something in the build process breaks typically. We could migrate 
> this to GitHub workflows but it's also a fair amount of work and, again 
> since I am not using the images, I don't feel very motivated to champion 
> that process.)
> julian
> On Thursday, May 11, 2023 at 3:27:20 PM UTC+3 Frédéric Chapoton wrote:
>> asking again : who has the rights for the docker user *sagemathadmins* ?
>> Frédéric
>> Le dimanche 23 avril 2023 à 10:33:42 UTC+2, Frédéric Chapoton a écrit :
>>> There are some instructions for that at the top of our 
>>> docker/Dockerfile. But I guess there is also a matter of rights, no ? Who 
>>> is allowed to do that ? Maybe Julian ?
>>> Le mercredi 5 avril 2023 à 10:18:27 UTC+2, Frédéric Chapoton a écrit :
>>>> Hello,
>>>> it seems that no recent image is available on docker hub:
>>>> In particular, 9.8 is not there.
>>>> Is there a way to manually update that, if there is no automatic 
>>>> mechanism to do the job ?
>>>> Frédéric

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