Here we go with 2.10.3.rc3. This is still not the final release
since LinBox still causes trouble. I did valgrind the latest
linbox 1.1.5rc2 release and Clement Pernet will get a long email
in the morning :)

Other than that we finally found a workaround for #1337 and
consquently could finally merge #1884.

Feel free to fix the various doctest failures. This is the base
build for Doc Day 2. The source build is at

A binary for sage.math only is at



Merged in rc3:

#1337: Michael Abshoff, Gary Furnish, Robert Bradshaw: tp_new
       leads to munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer segfault
#1711: Burin Erocal: SIGSEGV in PolyBoRi's BooleSet iterator
#1884: Robert Bradshaw: memory leak in real numbers
#2305: Chris Swierczewski: Docstrings and doctests for
#2142: Robert Bradshaw: product of two subdivided matrices
       should yield a subdivided matrix if it makes sense
#2334: Michael Abshoff: $SAGE_LOCAL/include/eclib has wrong
#2398: William Stein: new Hermite normal form code returns
       a zero row at the top of a matrix.
#2399: Jason Grout: allow utf8 characters in the notebook
#2423: Jason Grout: notebook() opens up to the entire world
       by defaultl
#2434: Robert Miller: fix doctest in

Merged in rc2:

#277: John Cremona: Add generic_discrete_logarithm and order
      computation using Pollard's rho algorithm
#2155: William Stein: greatly speed up matrix inversion for
       1x1 and 2x2 matrices over QQ by a factor of 20!;
       speed up changing base rings (architecture); hadamard
#2207: Mike Hansen: fcp for matrices over SR
#2310: William Stein: bug attaching files in files that
       are attached
#2356: John Cremona: Bug in discrete_log_generic
#2370: Didier Deshommes: unable to coerce bool types to
       Sage integers
#2381: Jason Grout: plot_vector_field: implement ability to
       plot arbitrary vector fields
#2382: Gary Furnish: sage-doctest broken by removal of temp
#2388: Clement Pernet: linbox charpoly crashes on OSX 10.5
       Intel - this is a work around fix
#2391: William Stein: module docstring bug running
       filename.sage from the command line
#2392: Nick Alexander: generic univariate polynomial has
       no discriminant function
#2395: Simon King: New features for number fields (gap
       interface, matrix groups)

Merged in rc1:

#590: Mike Hansen: document
#753: David Harvey, Carl Witty: derivative alias for diff
#915: Clement Pernet: Make LinBox interface use PID_Integer
      instead of using old header as workaround
#1748: Carl Witty: Passing the ipython argument '-wthread' at
#1805: William Stein: improve doctest coverage for
       Factorization; fix several critical bugs
#1810: Martin Albrecht: refactoring to improve finite field
       reference manual
#1868: Jaap Spies: New experimental mayavi2 package
#1902: John Cremona: mistake in the documentation for gens
       for Finite field givaro
#2099: Nick Alexander, Gary Furnish: Make sage-test execute
       multiple doctests in parallel
#2239: John Voight, William Stein: Leak in
#2245: William Stein, Craig Cigtro: abvar -- increase the
       doctest coverage to 100%
#2254: Clement Pernet:Upgrade linbox and givaro spkg to
#2268: Gary Furnish, Robert Bradshaw: has_coerce_map_from_c
       performance improvements
#2275: Mike Hansen: get to 100% coverage
#2279: Craig Citro: Followup fix due to a typo in a doctestfix
#2298: Carl Witty: implement a way to compute a number field
       containing given algebraic numbers
#2326: Robert Miller: compiled sparse and dense graph
#2333: Mike Hansen: hg_sage.apply('')
       should be made to work
#2343: Martin Albrecht: for zero-dimensional ideals, allow
       computation of varieties over arbitrary fields
#2345: Mike Hansen: negative indicies in vectors
#2349: Martin Albrecht: homogenize does different things
       in different contexts
#2350: Jason Grout: revert show(list) to the The 2.10.2 behavior
#2363: Gary Furnish: Integer.pyx mpz structure fix
#2365: Carl Witty: with sage -wthread, attach runs code in wrong
       thread on subsequent loads
#2375: Robert Miller: Sage 2.10.3.rc1: doctest
       failure in PermutationGroup
#2376: Michael Abshoff: Sage 2.10.3.rc1: various doctest failure
       in abvar
#2377: Simon King: Bugfix for the new __copy__ method of

Merged in rc0:

#37: William Stein: preparser doesn't parse hex input
#874: Jason Grout: Implement Jordan and Rational Canonical Form
#1151: Martin Albrecgh: Bug in creating elements in
       multivariate quotient rings that cannot be coerced
       to singular
#1186: Alex Gitza, Mike Hansen: Charpoly of a matrix of
       polynomials sometimes breaks
#1209: Mike Hansen: make it so maple.gcd?? shows source code
#1320: Emily Kirkman: graph planarity testing
#1639: John Cremona: missing documentation P.completion()
#1722: Mike Hansen: Symbolic Matrices should be callable
#2037: David Joyner, Alex Ghitza: out-of-date tutorial
       section on errors and exceptions
#2050: Nick Alexander: disallow *generic* matrix eigenspaces
       for inexact fields
#2058: Martin Albrecht, Burcin Erocal: PolyBoRi evaluation
#2105: Martin Albrecht: Constructor for ntl.GF2X polynomials
       does not take Polynomials over GF(2)
#2279: John Voight: numerical noise? doctest failure in
       with 2.10.2
#2281: John Cremona: elliptic_curve_finite_field: order caching
#2283: Jason Grout, Gary Furnish: the coercion code (in __mul__)
       should call __rmul__ when left or right is not coercible
       to a Sage element
#2284: Bobby Moretti: CallableSymbolicExpression._latex_()
       has some odd behavior
#2286: Carl Witty: create and document a new "fp_rank" concept
#2289: Alex Ghitza: make the constructions document
       prettier and more consistent
#2292: David Joyner: segfault in AbelianGroups
#2293: David Joyner: word_problem error in AbelianGroup
#2299: Nick Alexander: add zero_matrix constructor
#2300: Simon King: A copy method for SingularElement
#2301: Simon King: Bug in sage_structured_str_list
#2315: Jason Grout: Union of Graphs
#2323: Yi Qiang: updated tutorial to include dsage section
#2324: Carl Witty: RealNumber->QQ coercion fails for NaN,
#2327: Michael Abshoff: libgcrypt can't find libgpg-error
#2336: William Stein: hermite -- this function in sage is broken
       in more ways than it has lines of code
#2337: William Stein: fix typo in save_session
#2338: Martin Albrecht: add p.lexLmDeg to PolyBoRi polynomials
#2342: Robert Miller: digraphs show axes...

Merged in alpha0:

#1311: Tom Boothby: graphs: calculate chromatic number
#1313: Tom Boothby: graphs: calculate chromatic polynomial
#1382: Timothy Clemans, William Stein: conversion of sage
       matrices to mathematica is completely totally broken
#1399: John Cremona, William Stein: improve and document
       integer is_prime and is_irreducible
#1962: Robert Miller: set_edge_label creates edges when
       multiple edges are allowed
#2087: Michael Abshoff: make the final output of "sage -i"
       more user friendly
#2135: Robert Miller: allow for specifying initial position
       in spring layout
#2154: Robert Miller: Infinite memory allocation bug in
#2180: William Stein: cython skipping (build optimization)
#2206: Jason Grout, Alex Ghitza: some fixes of Factorizations
#2240: Chris Swierczewski, Mike Hansen: Docstrings and
#2265: Jason Grout: fix shortest_path_all_pairs
#2271: Antti Ajanki, Tom Boothby: Include Antti Ajanki's
       DLX library
#2274: David Joyner: guava->python (Part 1)
#2282: Craig Citro: readline currently not building dynamic
       library on Mac
#2285: Michael Abshoff: add "--trace-children=yes" back for
       memcheck in sage-doctest
#2288: David Joyner: tutorial -- fix some typos
#2290: Paul Zimmermann, David Joyner: typo in
#2294: Carl Witty: RealDoubleElement _interface_init_ is
       very poor
#2295: Burcin Erocal: build cache check fails on paths
       containing symlinks
#2297: Simon King: Tensor product of matrices
#2307: Robert Miller: has_edge ignores labels
#2308: Michael Abshoff: remove SAGE_ROOT/local/bin/sage-server
#2309: Carl Witty: The patch from #2267 introduced spurious
       linebreak commands '\\'
#2311: William Stein: remove stupid timeout from sage-location
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